Your Unique Part in the Story of the Bible is Still Being Written

The story the Bible tells is not finished yet. Bible StoryBoards was written to help you understand that story, and to help you see that you are a part of the story too.

What will your story say?
What Part Will You Have in God’s Story?

We’ve divided the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – into fifteen eras in biblical history. StoryBoard 1 is the beginning of the story. StoryBoard 15 will be the end of the story – in the future when God creates a new heaven and earth for all those who have chosen to follow Him.

StoryBoard 14 is the era in history that we are living in today. It’s where you and I come into the story. It’s the era of Making Disciples. It began 2,000 years ago when Jesus left to go back to heaven after His life, death, and resurrection here on earth.

Before He left He told His followers – 120 of them – to tell the world what He had done for them. And because they did what He told them to do, we have the same opportunity to follow Him and become one of His disciples today.

It’s Your Turn

Now the choice is yours. The day will come when you will either be counted among His followers, or not. It’s our hope that you will let Bible StoryBoards help you understand the story of God and man that the Bible tells, and that you will choose to become one of His followers and join His story.

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Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards App
Bible StoryBoards App




Related Post: Ready to Tell the Story of the Bible When the Opportunity Arises