You Don’t Need Seminary to Understand the Bottom Line of the Bible

Many people assume the Bible is something only pastors with a seminary degree can understand. But the simple story of the Bible, and the truth it teaches, is something everyone can know and discover for themselves. Bible StoryBoards was written to help you do that.

You Don't Need a Degree to Understand the Bible
You Can Grasp the Message of the Bible

Who Is The Bible For?

God never intended for the Bible to be a book that only scholars who know Greek and Hebrew can understand. It’s not meant to be a mystery. It’s a message from God to each one of us who is seeking Him. Though there is value in studying it deeply, the main things God wants us to learn from the Bible are very easy to discover for ourselves.

What Is Bible StoryBoards?

Bible StoryBoards takes the story of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – and divides it into fifteen chronological eras in biblical history. A StoryBoard then represents each era.

As you read through the 15 StoryBoards, you will see the bottom line story of God and man that the Bible tells. And you will also come to understand more about who God is and what it means to walk with Him.

You Can Understand The Bible

Once you understand the simple storyline of the Bible you will be better prepared to study any part of the Bible for yourself. You can get started now by buying the book or app here.  Simply click on the pictures below.

Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards App
Bible StoryBoards App