Bible StoryBoards is a tool you can use to share the Gospel by simply flipping through our 15 pictures on your iPad as you tell the story of God and man that is found in the Bible.

The Bottom Line Message of the Bible
Though the Bible can often seem confusing, the bottom line story is really very simple. With Bible StoryBoards we can help you see that simple storyline that is woven through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
It’s the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us, even though we’ve made it really difficult for Him. And as the story unfolds, you will see God’s amazing plan to make it possible for us to walk with Him, in spite of our sin.
A Fun and Easy Way to Share the Gospel
Once you understand the simple storyline, it’s easy and fun to share it with others by flipping through the StoryBoards in the app on your iPad. The pictures will remind you of the storyline and help you talk through the story in your own words.
Be Ready to Witness When You Have the Opportunity
Buy the Bible StoryBoards app now (click on app iPad image below) so you can prepare yourself to use it to share the Gospel. First, take some time to read through the storyline that goes with each StoryBoard. Then once you are familiar with it, you’ll be ready to share it with others when God opens the door.
Check out our IOS app for more help. Simply click on the picture link below.

Related Post: The Top Five Ways I’ve Already Benefited from Bible StoryBoards