Sharing the Gospel can be intimidating. Bible StoryBoards can help you easily tell the story of the Bible, even over a cup of coffee.

Two of the best ways to share the Gospel with someone are:
- Share the bottom line story of God and man that the Bible tells. No need to argue or debate. Simply explain what the Bible is all about.
- Share your own story. Don’t try to convince them to believe it too. Just let them know what you believe and how knowing God has made a difference in your life.
Bible StoryBoards will help you do those two things.
A Story Worth Sharing
Our 15 StoryBoards explain the story of God’s pursuit of a relationship with us that is woven through the entire Bible. It’s the story that everyone needs to know. As it unfolds, you will see how all the parts of the Bible fit together.
Once you know the storyline, you will be able to easily share it with others. You can simply flip through the 15 pictures in our app on your phone as you tell the story in your own words. And the end is often a perfect time to segue into sharing your own personal story about walking with God.
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you know and share the story of the Bible. Buy the book and app by clicking on the pictures below and get started today.

Related Post: Bible StoryBoards Makes It Easy for Me to Help Others Understand the Bible