There’s an easy way to share the story of God and man that’s told in the Bible, even while you’re simply out for a cup of coffee with a friend. With 15 pictures Bible StoryBoards helps you talk someone through the entire story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. And without any pressure or debates, they will hear the truth about God’s love for them. Then it’s up to God to do the rest.

The Lost Story
The bottom line story of the Bible is really very simple. And it’s the main thing that God wants people to know, though it often gets lost in the focus on familiar Bible stories or arguments about words or practices.
We want to help you see and understand the simple story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us, in spite of our sin. And then we also want to help you use Bible StoryBoards to share that story with others.
Share the Story
You can do that by becoming familiar with the StoryBoards and the storyline that goes with them in our book or app. Then when the opportunity comes along, you can easily tell others the story of the Bible by flipping through the pictures on your phone or iPad, or even drawing them on a piece of paper or a napkin.
With a little time and effort, you can be prepared to share the Gospel the next time someone is interested in who God is and what the Bible is all about.
Learn more today. Check out our Bible StoryBoards book by clicking on the picture link below.

Related Post: Bible StoryBoards Makes It Easy for Me to Help Others Understand the Bible