You Can Give Light to the World By Sharing the Story of the Bible

If you are a follower of Jesus, you have a story to share with the lost world around you. It’s the story of God and man that’s woven through the entire Bible. It’s the story of God’s desire for a relationship with us. It’s the story that Bible StoryBoards can help you learn and share.

You Can Help Spread God’s Light Through the World
You Can Help Spread God’s Light Through the World

We’ve taken the entire storyline of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – and summarized it in 15 StoryBoards. These fifteen pictures and the storyline that goes with them will help you:

  • Understand the bottom line story that the Bible tells
  • Tell it to others who need to know the truth about who God is and what it means to walk with Him

It’s the story that brings light into our lives. When we understand all that God did to make it possible for us to have a relationship with Him in spite of our sin, it changes our lives, forever.

Know It Then Share It

Once you understand the storyline, you can easily share it with others. You can simply flip through the pictures on your phone as you tell the story in your own words.

It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you learn the simple storyline of the Bible and then share it with others so you can be a part of bringing light into their lives. Buy the book by clicking on the picture below.

Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book

Related Post: The Top Five Ways I’ve Already Benefited from Bible StoryBoards