For most Christians, the thought of telling someone else about their faith in Christ is a very scary thing. Yet there’s no doubt that God asks us to do just that. Bible StoryBoards was written to provide an easy and nonthreatening way to share the story of the Bible with others.

A Life-Changing Story
We’ve divided the simple story of the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – into 15 StoryBoards. Together those 15 pictures and the storyline that goes with them tell the bottom line story of God and man.
It’s the story of God’s love; our sin; God’s plan to make it possible for us to walk with Him in spite of our sin; the choice we each need to make; what God wants from us and for us now; what’s ahead for this world and all of mankind.
Be Prepared to Share It
Once you understand the storyline, it’s easy to share it with others by simply flipping through the pictures on your phone. You can tell it anywhere, anytime God opens the door for a spiritual conversation. No arguments or debates – simply explaining what the Bible is all about.
As you share the story in your own words, you can also end by explaining how you came to believe that it’s true, and the difference it has made in your life.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you know and share the amazing story of God’s love for us. You can buy the book and app through the links below.

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