The bottom line story of the Bible shows that Jesus’ death on the cross was one of the most important things that ever happened on this planet. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that story and why Jesus’ death was a very good thing for all of us.
Bible StoryBoards takes you through the simple storyline of the Bible. It tells us why God created this world and us, how we messed things up, and what God did to make things right again.
As the story unfolds it’s clear that on our own we fall short of what God wants from us and for us. But because of God’s love for us, we see that He put in motion a plan to make it possible for us to walk with God in spite of our sin. The culmination of that plan took place on a cross, on the day that we now call Good Friday.
God Himself became a man and walked on this earth among us. His name was Jesus. He was perfect. He didn’t deserve to die. But He chose to give His life to pay the price for our sin. Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we can know walk with God, forever. That is good news indeed.
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand that amazing story of God’s love for us and that you will come to accept the forgiveness and life that He offers.