The simple storyline of the Bible explains who Jesus was and what His life and death was all about. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that story and why Jesus is still impacting lives 2,000 years later.

Answers From the Bible
Our 15 StoryBoards and the storyline that goes with them will take you through the entire simple story of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. The first eleven StoryBoards describe 4,000 years of Old Testament history as God prepared the world for the coming of Jesus. It shows us why Jesus came into this world and why He had to die.
It All Centers On Jesus
StoryBoard 12 is the era in biblical history when Jesus comes into the story. It shows us how He lived, and how He died, and what His death did for us.
His life was all about love: love for God; love for us.
His death paid the price for our sin. What we couldn’t do on our own, He did for us. He made it possible for us to walk with God, forever, in spite of our sin.
Discover His Story For Yourself
To read the whole story, buy the book by clicking on the picture below. It will be the most important story you ever read, about the most important person who ever walked on this earth.

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