When you understand the simple storyline of the Bible you can clearly see that God doesn’t want to keep His will a secret. Bible StoryBoards wants to help you see that following God’s will starts with one very basic principle. If you are trying to figure out what God wants you to do in a particular area of your life, start with what the story of the Bible clearly teaches.
It’s Not About You

There is a way that God says is right and another way that seems right to men. Biblical history shows us that they are often not the same thing. Since the beginning of time God has made it clear that the best way to know His will is to simply follow His will, instead of trying to justify what we think we should do instead. There is something within each one of us that wants to do what we want to do. If what you are considering doing would cause you to go against God’s clear teaching about right and wrong, then it’s not His will. Sin is never God’s will.
It’s All About God
It’s our hope that the story of the Bible that is told in Bible StoryBoards will help you understand that the bottom line of our walk through this world should always begin with taking the steps that God clearly has laid out for us in His Word. Once you do that, God will work in your life to show you the next steps you should take.
Learn more today. Check out our Bible StoryBoards book by clicking on the picture link below.

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