When you understand the bottom line story of the Bible, it’s clear that when God tells us to do something, it’s in our best interest do it. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that story and help you learn from others who have faced that same choice throughout the ages.

Our 15 StoryBoards and the storyline that goes with them will help you understand the story that flows through the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. In it you will see many people who had to choose if they would do what God said or go their own way instead.
One example comes after God delivered His people out of slavery in Egypt. He had promised to give them a land that would become their own. When they came to the edge of that land He told them to go in and take it.
But there were “giants” in the land…
In StoryBoard 5 we see what happened to those who refused to go in and take the land. They ended up wandering in the desert until all the adults who hadn’t trusted God had died.
In StoryBoard 6 we see what happened when the surviving generation trusted God and went in to take the land. God miraculously gave them success and the land became their own.
Bible StoryBoards can help you understand the story the Bible tells so you can see the importance of following God. Buy the book by clicking on the picture below.

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