The story of the Bible describes the connection Jesus has with His followers as a grapevine – He is the vine, we are the branches. As branches, we will bear fruit if we stay connected to Him and let Him work through us. Bible StoryBoards was written to help you understand the story the Bible tells and the fruit He wants to produce through your life.

With 15 pictures and the simple storyline that goes with them, Bible StoryBoards summarizes the story of God and man that is woven through the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.
Once you understand the storyline, it’s clear that:
- God wants to have a relationship with us
- It’s in our nature to turn away from Him and go our own way
- God made it possible for us to walk with Him again in spite of our sin
- When we accept His gift of forgiveness through Jesus, His Spirit comes to live in us and helps us bear fruit for His Kingdom
As we stay connected to God and surrender our will to His, we will see His work in and through our lives.
The Fruit He Wants
We will grow in our love for God and obedience to Him.
We will grow in our love for others – both believers and those who are far from God.
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the life that God wants for you. Buy the book by clicking on the picture below.

Related Post: The Top Five Ways I’ve Already Benefited from Bible StoryBoards