The story of the Bible makes it clear that God is more concerned about our hearts and relationships than about rules and religions. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that story and what God wants His Church to be.

We’ve divided the Bible into fifteen eras in biblical history. A picture represents each era. Together those 15 StoryBoards and the storyline that goes with them tell the Bible’s simple story of God’s love for us and His plan for us.
The Church Begins
StoryBoard 14 is called Making Disciples. It’s the era when…
- Jesus’ followers began spreading the news about His life, death, and resurrection
- Those early disciples became known as Christians
- Their gatherings in homes became known as the church
And it’s the era that we are still living in today!
So What Does That Mean Today?
The Bible makes it clear that to God the church isn’t about programs or buildings. The church is meant to be about believers living life together in community with each other and the lost world around them; living out God’s love in tangible ways.
Christians should gather to pray together; eat together; worship together; study God’s Word together; serve the needy together; connect with the lost world together. That’s what God wants His Church to be about.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you understand the simple storyline of the Bible and what God wants from us and for us today as His Church.
Learn more by checking out our Bible StoryBoards book or app by clicking on the picture links below.

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