Throughout history, people from pretty much every culture and people group have come up with ways to worship “God.” Bible StoryBoards can help you see what the story the Bible tells has to say about what it means to worship God.

The Bible tells us the history of both Judaism and Christianity. And when we understand the bottom line story that the Bible tells – from Genesis to Revelation – we see what is most important to God when it comes to worshipping Him.
True worship according to the Bible:
- Acknowledges that God is God and we are not. This will play out in our lives by choosing to follow His ways instead of going our own way – even when His way seems scary or doesn’t make much sense.
- Comes from the heart. It’s not just a set of rules or a form of religion. It’s a heart that is filled with love for God and an understanding of our own sin and our need for His grace and forgiveness.
- Shows itself in acts of love toward others. God’s love will overflow out of our lives and touch all those around us – especially those who are the least in this world.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you understand the simple story of God and man that the Bible tells. And let it help you see what it truly means to worship God day-by-day as we walk through this world.
You can buy the book here by clicking the book image below.

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