The bottom line story of the Bible shows that there are two words that can summarize what it means to walk with God – knowing & doing. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that simple story so you can know and do what God wants you to know and do.

Something To KNOW
When you look at the story of God and man that is told in the Bible, you can see that God wants you to know the truth about who He is, and who we are, and what God has done for us through Jesus. He wants us to know about sin and the choices we have and their consequences. He wants us to know what it means to love Him and to love others.
Something To DO
But the Bible also shows that knowing alone is not enough. God wants us to take what we know and do something with that knowledge. If we know who God is and who we are, it will make a difference in how we live. If we truly love Him and others it will show in our lives.
God Wants Both for You
Bible StoryBoards will take you through the amazing story of God’s plan for us and this world that is told in the Bible. And as the story unfolds you will see what God wants you to know and do. You will see what it means to walk with God. And then the choice will be yours.
Our book, Bible StoryBoards, can help you. Buy it today by clicking on the picture link below.

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