I feel no need to debate creation vs evolution when I see the incredible variety and beauty that is in the world. It just makes sense that there must be some kind of intelligence behind it all. And when we look at the story of the Bible, it’s clear that however long it took for it to happen, God was the one who created it all for us.

Bible StoryBoards was written to explain the story of God and man and this world that the Bible tells. It’s the amazing story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. Our 15 StoryBoards will help you understand that story and the God who is behind it all.
StoryBoard 1 tells about God creating this world for us to walk in with Him. It was a world filled with beauty and perfection and peace.
But Eveything Changed
Our sin caused everything to change in our lives and in this world. That part of the story is found in StoryBoard 2.
There are still amazing things in this world that show us a glimpse of God’s creativity. They point us to the world that once was in the beginning, and the world that God will create one day in the future for those who choose to follow Him. But that’s StoryBoard 15.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you understand the story of this world and the God who created it. Buy the book by clicking on the picture below.

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