Many people have assumptions about Christians that simply aren’t true. Though I should clarify right from the start that I’m not talking about people who call themselves Christians simply because they live in America and they’re not Jewish or Muslim or atheists. I’m talking about people who are Christians because they believe in what God has done for them through Jesus and they are trying to live their lives following Him.

As we look at the bottom line story of the Bible, we can see the truth about what it means to be a Christian, and the wrong assumptions that even some Christians make.
Christians think they are better than everyone else – Not True
Christians are not any better than anyone else, and true followers of Jesus will be the first to tell you that. They are not Christians because of anything they have done. They are Christians because of what Jesus did for them.
Christians live their lives based on a list of do’s and don’ts – Not True
A Christian’s life is centered on a relationship with God. It’s not about a religion or denomination or set of rules. It’s about walking with God day-by-day, loving Him and loving others.
As you come to understand the bottom line story of the Bible, you will see that it’s all about God’s desire to have a relationship with imperfect people, just like us. True followers of Jesus have come to understand that.