When you understand the bottom line story of the Bible, you see that there are two things that every new believer (and old believer!) needs to know and do. In Bible StoryBoards we want to help you understand that story so you can help the new believer you are discipling focus on those two important things.

One Simple Yet Amazing Story
If you read through our book or app you will see that the Bible is one grand story about God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. Not a religion. A relationship. God loves us. That’s why He created this world and us. But since the beginning of time, men keep messing up. We sin by going our own way instead of God’s. So God put in motion His plan for making it possible for us to walk with Him again, forever.
These Two Things Matter Most
Bible StoryBoards takes you through that simple story, and it clearly shows that there are two things God wants from us:
- God wants us to love Him. And that love is more than just words. It will be demonstrated by obeying Him and following His leading.
- God wants us to love others. He wants us to walk through our days showing His love to the people around us in tangible ways.
Start with These Two Matters That Matter Most
That’s it. As far as God is concerned He cares more about those two things than about all the other things we could add on to our spiritual lives. It’s the best place to start with the people you are discipling.
You can get the book or app by clicking on the picture links below.

Related Post: Make Disciples By Drawing and Sharing the Simple Story of the Bible