A great goal for this summer would be to take a journey through the bottom line story of the Bible. With 15 Pictures and the storyline that goes with them, Bible StoryBoards can lead you on that adventure as you see the history of God and man according to the Bible.

One Story
Though there are many familiar stories in the Bible, there is one main story that is woven through the entire book – from Genesis to Revelation. It’s the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. And once you understand that story, the rest of the Bible will all fit together in a new, exciting way.
With Bible StoryBoards we help you discover that story and see how your life is a part of it. And our app also becomes a tool you can use to share that life-changing story with others.
A Good Summer Read
Make the most of your summer and take some time to become familiar with the simple storyline of the entire Bible by reading Bible StoryBoards. Then watch for opportunities to share it with others!
You can buy the book and app by clicking on the picture links below.

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