The physical world around us is not the extent of all there is. The story the Bible tells makes it clear that there is much more beyond what we can see. Bible StoryBoards was written to help you understand that story and the fullness of who God is, who we are, and what this world is really all about.

There is a spiritual world that lies just beyond what we can see. It also lives deep inside each of our souls. We catch glimpses of it in the world around us and we sometimes feel it touch our hearts and minds.
Our 15 StoryBoards and the storyline that goes with them will help you see the bottom line story of God and man that is woven through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Within that story you will see the amazing work and power of God and the spiritual world that is around us… and in us.
An Awesome Future
It also tells us that one day in the future the limited physical world we know and the spiritual world that lies just beyond our sight will come together. God will create a new heaven and earth for all those who have chosen to follow Him. In that day, both worlds will become one.
Let Bible StoryBoards teach you the simple storyline of the Bible and help you see the depth and fullness of the world around us. Buy the book by clicking on the picture below.

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