There are so many different kinds of churches; it can be confusing to know which one is the right one. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand the story of the Bible so you’ll know what matters to God, and what doesn’t.

Religion or Relationship?
God’s greatest desire is for us to have a relationship with Him. He doesn’t care about “religion.” In fact, throughout the story of the Bible we see that empty religious practices mean nothing to God. Instead, He cares about our hearts.
God wants us to do two things: love Him; love others. That’s it.
So Do We Even Need “Church?”
The Bible also shows that we need others to walk with us through this world. As followers of God we need to gather together with other believers for encouragement and teaching and worship. We need each other.
The organized churches that we have today aren’t addressed in the Bible. So when deciding what kind of church to connect with, here are a few things to look for:
- Do they believe and teach the bottom line message of God and man that’s found in the Bible?
- Do they encourage you to make loving God and loving others your priority?
- Is their primary focus on your relationship with God and not on a bunch of do’s and don’ts?
See What Really Matters to God in the Simple Story of the Bible
Bible StoryBoards can help you understand the bottom line story of the Bible so you will see what God wants you to know about what “church” should really be about. You can buy the book or app here. To do so, click on the pictures below.

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