There are things we see that show us the beauty and wonder of the world God created for us to enjoy with Him. From the very beginning it was His plan to walk with us in a perfect world. Bible StoryBoards can help you see the simple storyline of the Bible so you will understand:
- The world God originally created
- Why it’s now a fallen world
- The perfect world that is to come

When you understand the simple story of God and man and this world that is woven through the entire Bible, it’s clear that the world we live in now is not how God wanted it to be. God’s plan was for the earth to be a place of beauty and wonder where we would walk with Him and experience perfect peace and love.
The Story of His Plan
Today, we catch glimpses of that perfect world. We see things that fill our souls and remind us of what used to be, and what will one day be again. As our 15 StoryBoards take you through the story of the Bible, you will learn about the original world God created (StoryBoard 1) and the new earth that He will create one day in the future for all those who have chosen to follow Him (StoryBoard 15).
Let Bible StoryBoards help you understand that story and the plan God has for this world and your life. You can buy the book by clicking on the picture below.

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