Doing what God asks is not always easy. But when we look at the story of God and man that the Bible tells, we see that those who courageously trusted God and obeyed Him succeeded. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that story and will encourage you to follow God’s leading, no matter what.

As our 15 StoryBoards take you through the bottom line story of the Bible, StoryBoard 6 talks about the era when the Children of Israel conquered the land that God had promised to give them. The first city God told them to take was Jericho. His battle plan involved walking around the city, blowing trumpets, and shouting. Seriously.
“You Want Us To What?!”
Though it didn’t make much sense to the Children of Israel, they had learned that it was best to trust God and follow His leading. So they did what He told them to do. And when they blew the trumpets and shouted, the walls fell down, they ran into the city, and they conquered the people of Jericho. They chose to trust God to give them the victory He had promised, and He did.
Over and over throughout the Bible we see people courageously trusting God, even when what He was asking them to do was scary or didn’t make much sense. And when they obeyed Him, He gave them victory.
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the simple storyline of the Bible so you will see that it is always best to trust God and courageously follow His leading. You can buy the book below.

Related Post: Are You Willing To Trust God No Matter What He Asks You To Do?