The story of the Bible shows that from the beginning of time as we know it, human beings have wanted to do what they want to do. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand the story the Bible tells and how doing things our way isn’t always a good idea.

As we take you on a journey through the Bible with our 15 StoryBoards, StoryBoard 2 explains the basic problem that we all have. One of the most common descriptions of this era in history is “And everyone did what was right in their own eyes.”
Our Natural Tendency
There is something within each of us that wants to do things our own way. That is shown clearly in three major events from this era in biblical history.
- Adam and Eve
- Noah’s Ark and the giant flood
- The Tower of Babel
Over and over again throughout history people have struggled with God and with each other in their attempts to do things their own way. And we have the same struggles today.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you understand the story of God and man that the Bible tells. And let it help you see that doing things your own way isn’t always a good idea. And it often has serious consequences.
You can buy the book by clicking on the link below.

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