Though people don’t like to talk about “sin” today, it’s a fact that people do bad things. None of us are perfect. And there are consequences for sin. The story the Bible tells can help you understand how our bad choices can lead to serious consequences. And Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that story.

With 15 StoryBoards and the storyline that goes with them, we take you through the bottom line story of God and man that the Bible tells. It’s the story of:
- God’s love
- Our sin
- God’s grace
- Our choice
Choices Have Consequences
StoryBoard 9 covers an era in biblical history when God’s chosen people suffered severe consequences for their sin. He had warned them over and over to turn back to Him and away from their sin, but they didn’t listen. And finally they had to deal with the consequences.
It was a time of sorrow and pain. Yet even in the midst of their suffering, God reached out to them in His love and mercy and begged them to turn back to Him.
Choose to Do What’s Right
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you not only understand the life-changing story that the Bible tells, but that you will learn from the experiences of those who came before us. Let their painful experiences help you avoid some of your own.
You can buy the book by clicking on the picture below.

Related Post: The Bible has a lot to say about Choices, Limits, and Consequences