God gave us the Bible so we could understand who He is and what it means to walk with Him. When you understand the story that the Bible tells, you can clearly see that God is God, and we are not. Bible StoryBoards was written to help you understand that story and to help you know the God that you can trust.

With our 15 StoryBoards we take you through the story of God and man that is woven through the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. As the story unfolds, you will see the power and love of God on display over and over again.
God’s Miraculous Work
StoryBoard 4 tells about the era in biblical history when God brought His people out of slavery in Egypt and led them to the edge of the promised land. This family that had become millions of people saw God work in miraculous ways to bring about His plan. They saw His power on display again and again as He led them out of Egypt.
The simple story of the Bible shows that God loves us more than we will ever understand and He has the power to do anything. When you put those two things together, it’s clear that the best thing we can do is trust Him.
Make sure you know the story the Bible has to tell. You can buy Bible StoryBoards by clicking on the picture below.

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