Getting What We Want is Not Always a Good Thing | According to the Story of the Bible

There are a lot of things our minds and bodies tell us we want. But just because we want something doesn’t make it good for us. The story of the Bible shows us many examples of times when that was true. Bible StoryBoards was written to help you understand that story and learn from it.

I Really Want These
I Really Want These

We’ve taken the Bible and divided it into fifteen eras in biblical history. With our 15 StoryBoards and the storyline that goes with them, you will learn who God is and what it means to walk with Him.

It Seemed Like A Good Idea

In StoryBoard 8 we come to the era when the Children of Israel decided they wanted a king like all the other nations around them. They were tired of only having an invisible God as their leader. They wanted a king they could see.

But It Wasn’t

God doesn’t always give us what we want, but in this case He let them have it. The first three kings – Saul, David, and Solomon – definitely had issues of their own, but most of the thirty-nine kings that came after them were much worse. Only eight of them loved God and followed His ways. The other thirty-one led the people away from God and into trouble.

Bible StoryBoards can help you learn from the example of others throughout biblical history. It can help you avoid their mistakes.

Get the simple storyline now by clicking on the picture below.

Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book





Related Post: The Bible Shows Us That Following Others Instead of God Isn’t a Good Idea