Bible StoryBoards will take you on a journey through the simple storyline of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. As the story unfolds, you will clearly see the heart of God displayed throughout biblical history.

When you understand the bottom line story of the Bible you will learn many things about who God is and what He wants from us.
- God created this world and us so we could walk in a loving relationship with Him and each other.
- When we turn away from God to go our own way, God waits for us to come back. And when we do, He offers grace and forgiveness and love.
- God was willing to send His own son to die for us so we could walk with Him again, in spite of our sin, forever.
- God doesn’t care about rituals and religions. He cares about our hearts. He wants us to love Him and to love the people around us.
- God will one day make everything in this world right again, like it was meant to be in the beginning. With justice and love He will provide a fresh start for mankind and this world.
- God’s love for us is not dependent on us. He offers it freely and waits for us to respond.
If you will take a journey with us in our book or app you will discover all of these truths about God that are displayed in the Bible… and more.
You can buy the Bible StoryBoards book or app by clicking on the picture links below.

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