The storyline of the Bible divides history into six major eras. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that story and how you fit into it.

Though the Bible is made up of sixty-six individual books, together – from Genesis to Revelation – they tell the story of this world and God and man. In Bible StoryBoards we take you through fifteen storyBoards that describe the six main eras in human history.
- God created this world and us because He wanted to walk in a loving relationship with us. (SB1)
- Sin spread throughout mankind and the world as men chose to go their own way instead of following God. This era included Adam & Eve, Noah, and the Tower of Babel. (SB2)
- God chose one family who He led to become a mighty people. Through them He worked throughout the years to bring about His plan to make it possible for men to walk with God again. (SB3-11)
- Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection we can all have life, forever. He was and is the final answer to our sin problem. (SB12-13)
- Today, followers of Jesus are responsible for telling the world what God has done for all of us. (SB14)
- The final era is yet to happen. One day in the future, Jesus will come back and God will make everything right in this world again. (SB15)
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand God’s love for you and His plan for this world.
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