The story of the Bible shows that when God asks us to follow Him, He never promises that the road will always be easy. He does promise to be with us and give us the strength to accomplish whatever He sets before us. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that story and what it means to follow His leading.

Throughout biblical history we see examples of people who were willing to trust God with their lives and follow Him, no matter where He led. Even Jesus warned those who wanted to follow Him that they should count the cost and prepare for difficult times.
If you truly want to be one of His followers:
- Choose to follow God’s ways even when they appear foolish in the eyes of the world
- Trust in God’s power and love even when you don’t understand what is going on
- Always choose love and show it in tangible ways – for God, for others
- Tell others the story of what God has done for us through Jesus
Our 15 StoryBoards will take you through the story of God and man that is woven through the entire Bible. As the storyline unfolds you will see what it means to follow God no matter what. And you will see that it’s a choice you must make too.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you know and share the story of the Bible and prepare you to follow God’s leading. Buy the book by clicking on the picture below.

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