Bible StoryBoards tells the story of God and man that is woven through the Bible. The story shows us that John 3:16 is what the rest of the Bible is all pointing toward.

We’ve condensed the story of the Bible into fifteen eras in biblical history – from Genesis to Revelation. Together, the 15 StoryBoards tell the story of God’s pursuit of a relationship with us.
You Can Tell This Story
StoryBoards 1 – 11 tell us:
- God created this world and us so we could walk together in love
- Our sin messed everything up
- God set in motion His plan to make it possible for us to walk with Him again in spite of our sin
That part of the Bible was all leading up to… StoryBoard 12, where John 3:16 comes into the story. Jesus was the answer to our sin problem. Now, because of what Jesus did for us we can have life with God, forever.
Jesus Changed Everything
But the story doesn’t end there. StoryBoards 13 – 15 talk about the life we can now have as disciples of Jesus. From the book of Acts to Revelation we see how God wants His followers to live now, and what is ahead for all of us when Jesus returns to earth in the future.
Old Testament history all led to John 3:16. And John 3:16 led to the new life and future that the New Testament tells us about.
To see the simple storyline of the Bible for yourself, check out our book or app for more help. Simply click on the picture links below.

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