The Old and New Testaments together tell the complete story of God and man and the Messiah who came to save not just the Jews, but all of us. It’s the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. Bible StoryBoards was written to help you understand that story and what it means for your life.

Bible StoryBoards takes the bottom line story that is woven through the whole Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – and summarizes it in fifteen eras of biblical/world history. Together the 15 StoryBoards explain:
Old Testament
- God created the world and mankind so He could have a relationship with us.
- Our sin separated us from God.
- God chose the Jewish people to work through to bring a Messiah into the world who would make it possible for everyone to walk with God again in spite of our sin.
New Testament
- Jesus was the promised Messiah.
- The choice we each need to make now.
- There is a day coming when God will make a new world for all those who have chosen to accept the gift of salvation through the Messiah.
That’s the story the Bible tells – how the Messiah came to save us all.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you understand that story. Buy the book by clicking on the picture below.

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