God gave us the Bible so we could understand what this world and our lives are all about. In Bible StoryBoards we will take you on a simple journey through biblical history so you can see the story of this world from God’s perspective.

We’ve divided the Bible into fifteen historical eras – from Genesis to Revelation. Each era is represented by a memorable picture. Together our 15 StoryBoards tell the bottom line story of God and man that is woven through the Bible.
His Story
The first thirteen StoryBoards cover the time from the creation of this world until shortly after the death and resurrection of Jesus. StoryBoard 14 is actually the era that we are living in right now. And StoryBoard 15 tells us about the time in the future when God will create a new heaven and a new earth for all those who have chosen to follow Him.
When we understand the simple story of the Bible, and see this world and our lives from God’s point of view, it gives us hope and purpose. It shows us God’s power and love. And it shows us our need for Him.
Expand Your Point of View
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you see who God is, who we are, and what this world is all about. Get a glimpse into the world from God’s perspective now by buying Bible StoryBoards by clicking on the picture link below.

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