There’s something inside most of us that makes us want to be like other people. We look to others to define what’s cool, what’s important, what success looks like. The story of the Bible helps us see that following others isn’t the best option for how we live.

Bible StoryBoards divides the bottom line story of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – into fifteen StoryBoards. Each StoryBoard represents an era in biblical history. Together they tell the story of God and man that the Bible tells.
Following the World
StoryBoard 8 is called Kings. It’s about the time in history when God’s chosen people – the Children of Israel – decided that instead of following an invisible God, they wanted a real king like everyone else.
Though God tried to convince them that it wasn’t a good idea, He eventually gave them what they wanted. Saul was their first king, followed by David and then Solomon. Thirty-nine kings came after these first three. And of those thirty-nine, only eight were good kings who followed God. All the others led the people away from God – and that led to a lot of serious trouble.
Who Do You Follow?
Bible StoryBoards can help you understand the story of God and man that the Bible tells. And it can help you see how important it is to put following God above any desire we might have to be like the world around us.
You can buy the book through the picture link below.

Related Post: The Top Five Ways I’ve Already Benefited from Bible StoryBoards