Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the story of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation – and you’ll see that death is something we don’t need to fear. It’s only a new beginning.

Why Do We Have to Die?
Death is ahead for all of us. God created us to live forever, but because of our sin death came into the world. That part of the story of the Bible is told in StoryBoards 1 & 2.
God’s Plan to Fix It All
StoryBoards 3 – 11 tell about God’s plan throughout history to make it possible for us to live forever with Him, in spite of our sin.
StoryBoard 12 tells us about the answer to our problem with sin and death. Because of Jesus, we no longer have to pay for our sin. It’s been forgiven through His death on the cross. And just as Jesus rose from the dead, we too no longer need to worry about death in this world.
Though death will be the end of our life here for now, there will be a new life when God creates a new heaven and new earth for those who have chosen to follow Him. And in that life, there will be no death. That part of the story is found in StoryBoard 15.
Read the Full Story
Read Bible StoryBoards to find out about the life beyond death that’s available to all of us. Click on a picture below to buy the book or app here.

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