The story of the Bible clearly shows that God and Jesus are about relationships, not religion. Bible StoryBoards can help you see that truth as it plays out in the story of God and man that the Bible tells.

God’s Priority
From the beginning of this world as we know it, God’s desire has been for us to walk in a loving relationship with Him and with each other. Over and over throughout biblical history we see God pursuing that kind of relationship with us, and encouraging us to have that kind of relationship with each other.
God doesn’t want empty forms of religion from us. He wants our hearts to connect with Him in love, and for our lives to demonstrate that love in tangible ways: by trusting Him and following His ways; by loving all those who our lives come in contact with.
Jesus’ Priority
Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection also show us that His priority was, and still is, relationships. His life showed us, and He told us to love Him and love others. The condition of our hearts is His priority. His harshest words were directed at the Pharisees who were focused on “religion” but were dead inside.
Bible StoryBoards can take you through the bottom line story of the Bible and help you see that your relationship with God and with others is what’s most important to Him. Buy the book or IOS app today and get started.

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