Your youth group probably includes a lot of kids who grew up in the church and some who are new to Christianity and the Bible. Bible StoryBoards can help you make sure they all understand the bottom line story that the Bible tells.

Many people – whether they grew up in the church or not – are familiar with some stories from the Bible, but very few actually understand the main story that is woven through the entire Bible. And even fewer could explain it to someone else.
Know The Story
Bible StoryBoards was written to help people understand the simple story of God and man that the Bible tells. It’s the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. And it’s the main story that God wants everyone to know.
With our 15 StoryBoards we take you through that story, from Genesis to Revelation. As the storyline unfolds you will see how the entire Bible fits together into one life-changing story.
Share The Story
Once you understand the story, you can easily share it with others by simply flipping through the pictures in the Bible StoryBoards app on your phone as you tell the story in your own words. It’s an easy way to share the Gospel with others who need to know.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you help your youth group understand and share the story of the Bible. The book and app are available by clicking on the pictures below.

Related Post: Teach the Teens in Your Youth Group the Bottom Line Story of the Bible