Bible StoryBoards provides a simple tool to help you teach your students the bottom line story of the Bible. It also prepares them to share that story with others.

15 Pictures Tell the Story
We’ve divided the Bible into fifteen historical eras – from Genesis to Revelation. A picture represents each era. As the story of the Bible unfolds through these 15 StoryBoards, the amazing story of God and man is revealed.
The Teaching Possibilities Are Endless
Our Bible StoryBoards for Kids curriculum can easily be used in Chapel at your Christian school, for preschool to high school. The book or app is also a great resource for teachers and older students. The curriculum can be adapted to fit whatever schedule works for you.
- The entire storyline could be taught in one Chapel session to simple give the students an overview of the bottom line story of the Bible.
- It could be taught as a 15-week series, taking one StoryBoard per week in Chapel. The teachers could then also focus on each particular StoryBoard in their individual classes each week. This approach would also help them remember the storyline for each picture so they can be prepared to share it with others.
- It could also be divided into a three-week series focusing on: the beginning of the world; God’s Chosen people, the Jews; the New Testament.
The Outcome Could Be Life Changing
Understanding the simple storyline of the Bible will help prepare your students to study the Bible and to share the Gospel for the rest of their lives.
Learn more by checking out our Bible StoryBoards book or app by clicking on the picture links below.

Related Post: A Five-Step Plan for Getting the Most Out of Bible StoryBoards