This Summer Bible StoryBoards can help you take your VBS kids on a life-changing journey through the Bible. With our 15 pictures, you can help them understand the amazing story the Bible tells about God’s love for us.

Though most church kids know a lot of Bible stories, most don’t know how they all fit together into one grand story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. Our 15 StoryBoard pictures, and the storyline that goes along them, teach the bottom line story of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. Once they know that story, the familiar Bible stories they already know will come alive in a whole new way. And the unchurched kids who are a part of your VBS will learn the most important story that the Bible tells.
Ready, Set, Go!
The 15-week Children’s Curriculum can easily be adapted to fit into five days by focusing on three StoryBoards each day. Though we have not put it together into a complete step-by-step VBS curriculum, it will give you a starting point to be creative as you add in additional crafts, games, songs, etc.
More Help Available
For a deeper understanding of the storyline behind each StoryBoard, the book and app are also available separately for your teachers.
It’s our hope that both your VBS leaders and kids will be changed forever as they come to understand the simple story the Bible tells of God’s amazing love for us.
Check out our book or app for more help. Simply click on the picture links below.

Related Post: Even a Child Can Tell the Story of the Bible With Pictures