Christians are to share the story of the Bible whenever God provides the opportunity. Some of those opportunities may come along as we are experiencing God’s amazing creation with someone who is far from God. Bible StoryBoards was written to help you understand that story and share it with others.

There is one main story that is woven through the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. It’s the story of God and man and this world.
Bible StoryBoards uses 15 StoryBoards to explain:
- How God created a perfect world for us to walk in with Him.
- How mankind messed up that world when they chose to turn away from God.
- God’s promise and plan to make it possible for us to walk with Him again in spite of our sin.
- What Jesus did for all of us.
- What God wants from us and for us now.
- What is ahead for this world and mankind.
The next time you are with someone who is far from God and you are sharing some of the wonders of God’s creation – the ocean; a hike through a forest; a breathtaking sunset – make the most of that opportunity to draw their attention to the God who created what you are seeing.
A Tool For Sharing
Then if the door is open, you can easily share the story of the Bible by simply flipping through our 15 pictures on your phone as you tell the story in your own words.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you know and share the amazing story that the Bible tells. Buy the book or app by clicking on the pictures below.

Related Post: Bible StoryBoards Uses 15 Pictures Because 4 Pictures Couldn’t Get the Job Done