For many years now I’ve been hanging out in coffee places, watching for opportunities to connect with people. As a follower of Jesus, He’s asked me to watch for divine interruptions in my days so He can use me to tell others about what He’s done for them. Bible StoryBoards is a great new tool that helps me do that.

With 15 pictures on my iPhone or iPad (Android coming soon!) I can easily walk someone through the entire story of the Bible – the amazing story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with people like us.
Ready to Share the Good News
Wherever you hang out – whether it’s a coffee place or a gym – watch for opportunities to connect with people. Get to know them. Let them see you care about them. And if the opportunity arises to have a spiritual conversation, share the story of the Bible with them. These 15 StoryBoards on your phone will help you do that!
God has asked us to let others know about what He’s done for us through Jesus. That simple story is clearly seen in the Bible, once you understand the bottom line story that it tells. And as you share that story with others, God will then take it from there. That simple story, told over a simple cup of coffee, has the potential to change someone’s life, forever.
It’s our hope that you will use Bible StoryBoards to help change the world, one life at a time.
You can buy our book by clicking on the picture link below.

Related Post: Bible StoryBoards is Helping Me Courageously Share the Gospel with Unbelievers