Bible StoryBoards is a fun new tool to help you share the story of the Bible with anyone, anywhere. With 15 simple pictures – on your phone, or computer, or even on a napkin – you can easily take someone on a journey with you through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

Most people don’t understand what the Bible as a whole is really all about, or how the random Bible stories they have heard all fit together in to one grand story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. With these 15 StoryBoards and the explanations that go with them, we want to help you understand the bottom line story of the Bible, so you can then share that story in your own words with others.
God has asked you to “be prepared at any time to give a reason for the hope you have within you.” (I Peter 3:15) We hope that Bible StoryBoards will be a great tool to help you do that.