The story of the Bible makes it clear that Abraham’s decision to trust God and follow Him was a pivotal point in biblical history. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand Abraham’s story and how it fits into the entire story of the Bible.

Our 15 StoryBoards take you through the storyline that is woven through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. In StoryBoard 3 we learn about God’s plan to make it possible for us to walk with Him again in spite of our sin.
It Started With a Family
God chose a family that He promised to use to bless the entire world. The man He chose was Abraham. He was just an ordinary man who had a heart for God.
God wanted Abraham to pack all his belongings and his household and set out on a journey. God didn’t tell him where that journey would take them. He just promised to lead. And He promised that if he trusted Him, his family would grow to be numbered like the stars in the sky, and that one day the entire world would be blessed through one of his descendants.
Abraham trusted God and followed Him into the unknown. Because of his faith, God used that family to bring the Messiah into this world so that everyone can now walk with God again.
Let Bible StoryBoards help you understand the story of the Bible and how trusting God reaps great rewards. Buy the book by clicking on the picture below.

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