Bible StoryBoards wants to help you see the lost world around you through God’s eyes. As you come to understand the story of the Bible that is told through our 15 StoryBoards, you will see God’s heart. You will see how He has relentlessly pursued a relationship with us. You will see how He sees us.
We Messed Up
God loves us. He created this world and us so we could have a relationship with Him. But throughout biblical history, we see that we have continued to turn away from God and tried to do things our own way. And whenever we do that, things don’t go well. We mess up. And because of our sin, this world is now a very difficult place to live.

Life Hurts
There are people all around us who are hurting. They come from all different walks of life. Most of the time we’re so busy with our own lives that we don’t even notice. But the God of the Bible notices. And He wants you to notice.
There’s Hope
The story that is told in the Bible offers hope. It demonstrates the lengths God went to in order to make it possible for us to truly walk in a loving relationship with Him and with each other. It’s our hope that our Bible StoryBoards book will help you come to understand that amazing story and that you will then share that story with others who need to know that there is hope.
Find out more by checking out our book Bible StoryBoards. You can purchase it by clicking on the picture link below.

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