This is a downloadable PDF file with flash card 8.5 x 11.0 templates of the 15 Bible StoryBoards complex pictures. The templates also include the name and main idea of each Bible StoryBoard to be printed on the reverse side. Once printed these StoryBoard Cards can be cut into 3.5 x 2.75 cards (the same size as baseball cards). The templates also includes a grid of all 15 Detailed StoryBoards and a grid of the 15 Simple Pictures. Together both make a handy 6.75 x 3.75 sized front and back grid card for easy keeping and access.
After paying for this product with Paypal, Visa, or MasterCard, your PDF file can be downloaded in 2 places:
- on the Order Received page that will immediately come up after your purchase. Click on the link that says Download File…
- on the Order is Complete receipt that will immediately be sent to the email address you provide
When you buy and download this file, you have permission to make as many copies as you need for your specific use (for your family, class, etc). You do not have permission to pass the files or materials on to any other groups or individuals.