This world is filled with people who are wondering if there is any purpose or meaning to their lives. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand what this world and our lives are all about and then share it with others who are searching for answers.

The Bible tells the story of God and man. It explains why we were created and what we were created for.
Know It
Though reading the Bible can often be confusing, the bottom line story it tells is actually very simple. It’s the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us.
Bible StoryBoards was created to help you see and understand that simple story that is woven through the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. And once you understand it, the individual parts of the Bible that you read will make so much more sense as you see how they all fit together into the main story the Bible is telling.
Share It
We also make it easy for you to share that story with others in your life who are searching for answers. You can tell them the story of the Bible as you flip through our 15 pictures on your phone.
To help others understand what this world and our lives are all about, take some time to learn the simple story of the Bible for yourself. Then be ready to share it with others when you have the opportunity.
You can buy the book or app here.

Related Post: Bible StoryBoards Makes It Easy for Me to Help Others Understand the Bible