If you enjoy painting, Bible StoryBoards can give you a fun new way to express your creativity as you learn and tell the story of the Bible. You can paint your own version of the 15 simple pictures that tell the story that is woven through the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation.

It’s the story of:
- God creating this world and mankind
- Man turning away from God
- God setting in motion a plan to make it possible for us to have a relationship with Him again
- Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection
- What God wants from us and for us now
- What is ahead for this world and mankind
Paint the Pictures
Once you are familiar with the storyline and you’ve painted the 15 pictures, you will be able to easily remember the story – and share it with others! By loading a pdf of the pictures on your phone, or creating an actual portfolio, you will be able to show others the pictures as you tell them the story of God and man that the Bible tells.
God would love for you to use the talent He has given you to help spread the Gospel to the lost world around you. Bible StoryBoards can help you do that. Buy the book by clicking on the picture below… and then start painting!

Related Post: Make Disciples By Drawing and Sharing the Simple Story of the Bible