Bible StoryBoards can help you follow the instructions Jesus gave in Matthew 28. It will help you understand what it means to be a disciple, and it will help you make disciples who make disciples.

In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus told His disciples that He wants those who follow Him to:
- Go into the world and help more people become His disciples
- Teach those new disciples to live their lives according to what Jesus taught
This isn’t an impossible mission
God wants us to live life with people who are far from Him and show them His love. He wants us to tell them the amazing story that is told in the Bible – God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. We are then to teach those who become followers of Jesus to live their lives loving God, loving others, and telling others about what God has done for them through Jesus.
This is something you can do
Bible StoryBoards uses 15 pictures to explain the amazing story of God’s love that’s told in the Bible. As the story unfolds you will see what God has done for us and what He wants from us. Understanding this story will help you live your life as a disciple, doing what is most important to God. The StoryBoards will also become a tool to help you share that story with others as you flip through the pictures on our app or draw them.
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you be a disciple, who is making disciples who make disciples.
For more help, check out our book or app by clicking on the picture links below.

Related Post: Make Disciples By Drawing and Sharing the Simple Story of the Bible