We can love chocolate, or the beach, or our family. But the deepest and greatest love is seen in the story the Bible tells. Bible StoryBoards was written to help you understand that story and the love that God has for you, wants from you, and wants you to have for others.
With 15 StoryBoards, we take you through the simple story that is woven through the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. It’s the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us.
As the story unfolds, through 6,000+ years of history, over and over you will see love demonstrated in action.
- God’s love for us is shown through His patient, compassionate interaction with us stubborn humans. In spite of our foolishness and sin, He loves us and longs to have a relationship with us.
- Since the beginning of time as we know it, God has asked us to love Him. He wants us to trust Him and follow His ways. Each one of us chooses whether we will do that, or not.
- And God wants us to walk through this world loving others. He wants us to give up our own lives for the sake of others, demonstrating His love in tangible ways with both words and deeds.
It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand what love really means as you come to understand the life-changing story the Bible tells. Buy the book by clicking on the picture below.
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