We are living in an era of biblical history when God wants His followers to be sharing His love and His story with the lost people around us. And it’s part of His plan for us to join together with others as we do that.

When you understand the simple story of the Bible, you realize that the storyline is not done yet. We are actually living during the second to last era in biblical history. In Bible StoryBoards we call that era Making Disciples, and the storyline is found in StoryBoard 14.
Go Make Disciples…
Before Jesus left to go back to heaven after His death and resurrection, He told His followers to tell others about what He had done for all of us. They were to go out into the world and tell everyone the amazing story of God’s love for them.
And He also told them to gather together with other Christ-followers. They were to:
- eat together
- pray together
- encourage each other
- remind each other who God is and what it means to walk with Him
- worship God together
- connect with the lost people around them together
Who Also Go and Make Disciples
It was Jesus’ plan that as His followers lived life together with each other and the lost people around them, His love would be evident to all who were seeking Him. And that together, His followers would be disciples who made more disciples.
Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that story and the part He wants you to be living today.
Learn more by checking out our Bible StoryBoards book or app by clicking on the picture links below.

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